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photo albums
are of course of interest, but
we have some additional information described here.
geneological documents
are available with a short description.
PCH's daughter Carol has written a short
of her Grandfather Charles A. W. Herrmann.
We have scanned some nice
B&W photos
of the wedding of daughter Carol
which go logically between the second and third PCH album.
His few writings are certainly of interest,
and are described in the next section.
Notes, Photographs, and Other Documents
The sermons are transcribed from my Grandfather's sermons, which were preached to some extent off-the-cuff, so it seems only fair to include some of his writings as well. Few of us always talk as coherently as we write. In addition, there are some photographs, and other memorabilia which can be scanned by the magic of modern technology.
An early picture we have of PCH
shows him with his sister Julia and his Mother somewhere in New York.
The date on the photo is 1904 which would make him 9 years old.
It's interesting to notice the debris surrounding them and the workman
to the right.
If anyone knows where this was taken, it would be an interesting fact!
[You can click on the photos to see a larger version.]
We do have some of his written recollections of this time, written for his great grandchildren at the prompting of his daughter. These were mostly typed into the computer and corrected, and we have scanned some of those drafts. These were written in the 1980's, his last decade. The first one talks about his parents, his birth, and his siblings. The second one talks about the death of his younger brother from Diptheria. PCH gives spiritual interpretations of these events; each one has some spiritual message.
third letter
describes learning a skill which stood him in good stead for 85 years;
This is rather longer than the first two and has a
second page.
The final one that we have I assume is the fourth one but it
seems to be labelled ``9.''
This one is in longhand, and describes several adventures
of his childhood.
A medium resolution version is shown at right.
Clicking on this one gives a very high resolution version.
Similarly, we have
page 2 in medium resolution,
and in high resolution,
page 3 in medium resolution,
and in high resolution,
PCH was not primarily concerned with his own life. That's pretty clear from the fact that he waited until he was in his late 80's to write much about it! He was the correspondent for our church for years. This meant that he was the official address for anyone wanting to contact the church, such as visiting missionaries or preachers. He loved to write about spiritual things, as in the typical example shown in this letter to his son-in-law, my father. The letter also has a second page. For you handwriting analysts there also are high resolution versions of page one and page two. Evidently there was a spiritual issue with another Plymouth Brethren assembly in Ravenna, Ohio. I'm not sure of the details but his response is typical of his interest in such things. He could give quite a good account of any theological point off-the-cuff, but never hesitated to do further research and follow up with a more complete explanation.