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At upper left is a photo of the Charles A.W.Herrmann family,
(Hilda, Philip and Julia) taken at Bloomingdale's in New York City.
No date, but from the children's appearance, I would guess ca. 1905.
At lower left (dated 1905) is Philip in overalls, pencil.
At lower right, Florence Benn at her 8th grade Graduation in 1906. Her parents, four brothers, and two sisters came over from England. The brothers all got diptheria and died in a short time. Florence was born afterwards, 12 and 13 years younger than her sisters, and not the boy which her parents were hoping for. Her mother died when she was 15. Her father remarried soon after, and her stepmother essentially kicked her out. She got a job at the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and was able to support herself. She went up the corporate ladder, and eventually became the secretary to the President, Mr. Lincoln. She married Philip in May 1923 and retired from Met Life.