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[The notes are mainly by my mother Carol H. Wallace, PCH's daughter,
looking back from the perspective of 2002!
I have edited them, but any comments added by me will be in brackets,
ending with TW]
At upper left, Philip (2 years old) and sister Julia (about 6 mo.), in a pram outside a house in NYC.
At upper right, Philip - 2 years old standing in beautiful boots with a ball in his hand. 1897
At lower left, Hilda and Charles Herrmann holding their three children, Charlie, Philip and Julia, while sitting under a tree in front of a house unknown to me. 1899 [Charlie died soon afterward. Some hard-to-read geneological material seems to give his dates as Jan 22 1899 to Dec 22, 1899. TW]
At lower right is an unknown group standing in front of a house in the country. I believe the couple on the far left (man with white shirt and white bow tie and lady next to him holding a little girl on her lap) are Charles and Hilda Herrmann, with Julia in her mother's arms and Philip standing in the front row between his mother and father. The year is 1900 so Philip is 5 years old.